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Community Solar Bill Credits

The value of the bill credit is defined in the community solar rules at N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.7 as  follows:

  • N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.7(a): “the calculation of the value of the bill credit shall be set at retail rate, inclusive of supply and delivery charges.”
  • N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.7(b): “The calculation of the value of the bill credit shall remain in conformance with retail rate, as determined in (a) above and shall remain in effect for the life of the project, defined as no more than 20 years from the date of commercial operation of the project or the period until the project is decommissioned, whichever comes first.”
  • N.J.A.C. 14:8-9.7(c): “The credit may not be applied to non-bypassable charges.”

On July 10, 2019 (amended August 7, 2019), the Board issued an order regarding the calculation of the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program bill credit. This Order defined the manner in which the bill credit should be calculated and applied to community solar subscribers’ bills. It also directed the Electric Distribution Companies (EDCs) to provide a sample bill for each rate class, along with the underlying method of bill credit calculation.

On this page, you will find the bill credit calculations and sample bills for each EDC. These calculations and sample bills are provided for informational purposes only; staff will endeavor to ensure that the bill credit calculations remain up-to-date to the extent feasible. Please refer to the Board Orders and to the currently applicable tariffs for the specific details regarding the method of calculation of the community solar bill credits. Note that the sample bills make assumptions regarding subscription sizes; these assumptions may or may not be similar to your actual community solar subscription.

If you do not know your rate class, please check your utility bill. If you are unable to locate the information on your utility bill, contact your utility.

Atlantic City Electric
Bill Credit Calculation
Sample Bills: Residential Service | Monthly General Service Secondary

Bill Credit Calculation
Sample Bills: Residential Service | General Service Secondary | General Service Transmission | General Service Primary

Bill Credit Calculation
Sample Bills: Residential | Commercial

Rockland Electric Company
Bill Credit Calculation
Sample Bills: Residential Service | Residential Space Heating | Residential Time of Day Heating Service | Small C&I General Service Secondary | Commercial Primary Time of Day Service | C&I Private Overhead Lighting | Municipal Street Lighting

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