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Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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Program Evaluations, Market Analysis and TRMs

Building and Energy Codes

Commercial / Industrial

Cost Effectiveness Analysis & Avoided Cost

Demand Response

Demographic Analysis

New Jersey’s 2018 Clean Energy Act (N.J.S.A. 48:3-87.9(f)(2)) requires that the state’s electric and gas public utilities conduct a demographic analysis in order to determine if all of their customers are able to participate fully in energy efficiency measures, to identify market barriers that prevent participation, and to make recommendations to overcome such barriers. In October 2019, the Board directed the utilities to jointly procure a contractor to complete the analysis, and in early 2020 the utilities contracted the firm DNV-GL.

The main product resulting from DNV-GL’s study is a demographic/firmographic profile of New Jersey utility customers (including residential, commercial, and industrial) and their participation rates in energy efficiency programs. The study generated a statewide demographic profile, as well as profiles for each utility. DNV-GL also drew upon industry-wide research on market barriers to energy efficiency to develop recommendations for methods to overcome those barriers, based on New Jersey’s demographics. In June 2020, the Board accepted DNV-GL’s demographic analysis report and directed the utilities to use it to design energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs that maximize access to and participation by all customers.

The report is supplemented by residential and commercial and industrial datasets, which are available to the public by request by contacting

Energy Savings Analyses

Evaluation Guidelines

Evaluation Plans


Evaluation Studies








Impact Evaluations

Low Income

Market Assessments

Market Potential Studies (Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy)

Market Research


NJCEP Program Evaluation & Benchmarking Studies

Process Evaluations

  • Process Evaluation of the Renewable Energy Programs Administered and Managed by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Office of Clean Energy (2004)

Renewable Energy

  • Impact Evaluation of Small-scale Wind, Biopower and Fuel Cell Programs (2014)
  • Market Assessment Services to Characterize the Opportunities for Renewable Energy (2012)
  • Assessment of the New Jersey Renewable Market (2008)
  • New Jersey Hydrogen Learning Center Year One Report (2007)
  • New Jersey Renewable Energy Market Transition Report (2007)
  • New Jersey Shore Opinions About Off-Shore Wind Turbines (2006)
  • New Jersey Offshore Wind Energy Feasibility Study (2004)
  • New Jersey Renewable Energy Market Assessment (2004)
  • Economic Impact Analysis of New Jersey's Proposed 20% Renewable Portfolio Standard (2004)
  • New Jersey and the Hydrogen Economy (2004)
  • Visions of a Hydrogen Future (2004) 


Technical Reference Manuals

Technical Reference Manuals (formerly known as "Protocols") have been developed to determine energy and resource savings for technologies and measures supported by New Jersey's Clean Energy Program.  The TRMs are updated on an annual basis to reflect the addition of new programs, modifications to existing programs, and the results of program evaluations.

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Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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