New Jersey State Seal

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Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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Please select from the topics below. If you do not see answers to your questions, please contact us at 866-657-6278 or submit an email.

General FAQ

Transition of Programs to the Utilities
Certain energy efficiency programs have transitioned to the state's electric and gas utility companies.

Federal Tax Credit
Federal energy tax credits for energy efficient and renewable energy technologies.

Residential New Construction
These homes are 15-50% more energy efficient than traditionally built homes. Find out their benefits.

Electric Vehicles

Renewable Energy FAQs

Solar Transition
Answers to frequently asked question regarding New Jersey's solar transition.

New Jersey's Solar Market and the Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)
FAQs about the proposed transition to a market-based REC financing system.

Community Solar FAQs

Commercial, Industrial and Local Government FAQs

Pay for Performance
A comprehensive energy efficiency program that provides incentives towards whole-building energy improvements.

Local Government Energy Audit
We'll help you identify cost-justified energy-efficiency measures - as well as subsidize the full cost of the audit.

Learning Center

Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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New Jersey State Seal