New Jersey State Seal

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Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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SmartStart Buildings Forms

Note:  Select energy efficiency programs for existing buildings have transitioned to the utility companies

To learn more about this transition and for utility contact information, please visit this page.

NJCEP Pay for Performance (P4P) for existing buildings and NJCEP Direct Install will no longer accept applications starting July 1, 2021. All eligible applications accepted before that time will continue with NJCEP until final payment.

PSE&G customers who purchased electric or natural gas energy efficiency equipment prior to June 1, 2021 may be eligible for SmartStart Buildings (SSB) and/or Customer Tailored Energy Efficiency Program (CTEEP) rebates. For non-PSE&G customers, equipment purchased prior to July 1, 2021, may be eligible for SSB and CTEEP rebates.

NJCEP’s SmartStart Buildings (SSB), Customer Tailored Energy Efficiency Program (CTEEP), and Pay for Performance (P4P) programs will remain available for new construction projects and major gut renovation projects only beginning on July 1, 2021.

New Jersey SmartStart Buildings (R)


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Energy Master Plan

State of New Jersey Energy Master Plan

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New Jersey State Seal