The Transition Incentive Program is used to register solar projects in New Jersey. Owners MUST register their projects prior to the start of construction in order to establish the project’s eligibility to earn TRECs.
New Jersey is one of the fastest growing market for solar photovoltaics in the United States and one of the largest in terms of installations and installed capacity in distributed customer-sited applications. Much of this success is due to New Jersey’s Solar Financing Model, which relies on high renewable energy standards and the use of SRECs.
The Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Registration Program (SRP) is used to register solar projects in New Jersey. Owners of projects MUST register their projects prior to the start of construction in order to establish the project’s eligibility to earn SRECs.
The procedure for an out of state renewable energy generators to be certified to participate in the NJ Renewable Portfolio Standard (NJ RPS) and receive a NJ certification number requires that you meet the NJ RPS generator requirements (NJ RPS rules can be found at N.J.A.C 14:8-2), complete and submit one of three forms. The generator requirements are highlighted at the beginning of each form.
If the generating facility settles in the PJM Market Settlement system (PJM Generator), complete Form I. If the generating facility is behind the meter to PJM (non-PJM generator), complete Form II. If you are a generator located outside of the PJM Region and the output of the load is dynamically scheduled inside the PJM region, complete Form III.
All properly completed forms must be sent to: Ronald Jackson – Research Scientist, NJBPU - Office of Clean Energy, 44 S. Clinton Avenue, PO Box 350, Trenton, NJ 08625-0350.
The Community Solar Energy Pilot Program will enable utility customers to participate in a solar energy project that is remotely located from their property.
This program offered prescriptive rebates on renewable electric storage systems. The offer ended on June 30, 2017.
Offshore wind is a renewable energy technology that reduces the need for fossil fuel generation.
Information on programs no longer offered will remain available to assist customers that are completing previously approved projects.